Original Art
Original Art ...
If you are looking to invest in something that is uniquely beautiful that no-one else has in the world, it has to be original art. Whether you're enhancing a room with a piece of art or creating a talking point or simply for the love of it, it's unique to you and that in itself tells a story.
There are a number of creative stages involved in the production of each of the animal portraits. I work collaboratively with professional livestock photographers or take my own photographs as a starting reference for my paintings.
I then translate the photograph through onto canvas, as I select and compose a slice of the reality mixed with a stylised manipulation of colour, tone, and perspective. The paintings are built with many layers of acrylic, using subtle blending effects and exaggerating shadows to make the flat surface of the canvas appear to contain 3-dimensional elements, which draws the view in to study the piece in detail.
2014 collection coming soon!